4.3 Case Study 2: Network Reconfiguration for Loss Minimization
Problem Setup
- Variables: Binary switches (0 = open, 1 = closed).
- Objective: Minimize power loss while maintaining radial structure.
MATLAB Implementation
function loss = networkLoss(config)
results = runpf(config);
loss = sum(results.branch(:,14));
nvars = 10;
options = optimoptions('ga', 'PopulationType', 'bitstring', ...
'MutationFcn', @mutationuniform, ...
'MaxGenerations', 200);
[config_opt, loss_opt] = ga(@networkLoss, nvars, [], [], [], [], [], [], [], options);
disp(['Optimal switch config: ', num2str(config_opt), ' | Loss: ', num2str(loss_opt), ' MW']);
- Compare losses before/after reconfiguration.
- Visualize network topology changes.
5. Results and Analysis
5.1 OPF Performance
- GA vs. Classical Methods:
- GA achieves comparable cost with better constraint handling in non-convex cases.
- Computation Time: Longer than gradient-based methods but robust for complex systems.
5.2 Network Reconfiguration
- Loss Reduction: Typical 10–20% loss reduction in test systems (e.g., IEEE 33-bus).
- Convergence: Plot fitness vs. generations to show optimization progress.
6. Discussion
- Strengths of GAs:
- Handles discrete variables (e.g., switches, capacitor banks).
- Avoids local minima in non-linear problems.
- Limitations:
- Computationally intensive for large networks.
- Requires tuning (population size, mutation rate).
- MATLAB Advantages:
- Parallel computing for faster fitness evaluation.
- Integration with power flow tools (e.g., MATPOWER).
7. Conclusion
- GAs are effective for complex electrical network optimization, especially with mixed variables.
function provides flexibility for customization.
- Future work: Hybrid algorithms (GA + PSO), real-time optimization in smart grids.
8. Appendix
- Full OPF and reconfiguration scripts.
- Custom power flow functions (if not using MATPOWER).
- Goldberg, D. E. Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization, and Machine Learning. Addison-Wesley, 1989.
- Zimmerman, R. D., et al. MATPOWER: Steady-State Operations, Planning, and Analysis Tools for Power Systems.
- MATLAB Global Optimization Toolbox Documentation.
Key MATLAB Functions/Toolboxes
- Global Optimization Toolbox:
, gamultiobj
(for multi-objective problems).
- MATPOWER: For power flow analysis.
- Parallel Computing Toolbox: Speed up fitness evaluation