Project-based on the Control System and MicroController


In the following list, the projects are built with the help of the control system and microcontroller.

By using the basic Control System:

  1. Traffic Light Controller using LCD
  2. Traffic Light Controller Using Seven Segment
  3. Contactless Liquid Level Controller
  4. Access Control System Using Card
  5. PC Based Electrical Load Control
  6. Lamp Illumination Control with Precision
  7. Temperature Controlled DC Fan
  8. Servo Motor Control Using Mobile Phone
  9. Brain Controlled Robot
  10. Mobile Charging On Coin Insertion
  11. Brain Controlled Wheel Chair
  12. CAR Controlling using Mobile
  13. Voice Controlled Home Appliances
  14. Hand Motion Controlled Robotic Arm
  15. LED Street Light Control with Power Saver
  16. Dish Positioning Control by IR Remote
  17. AC Power Strength Controller System
  18. Capacitive Touch-based Electric Load Control
  19. AC Power Control with Programmable Interface
  20. Phone Controlled-Load Management System
  21. Intelligent Traffic Light Controller for Ambulance
  22. PC Controlled Scrolling Message Display for Notice Board
  23. Exhaust Fan for Bidirectional Motion with Remote Control
  24. AC PWM based Power Control by IGBT / MOSFET
  25. Any Type of Liquid Level Controller using Ultrasonic Transducer
  26. Human Controlled Colour Changing LED (RGB) Lighting
  27. Automatic LED Intensity Control with Vehicle Movement
  28. Voice Controlled Robot by Cell Phone with Android App
  29. I.V.R.S. System for Industrial Process Control
  30. Pick and Place Robotic Arm and Movement Control
  31. Intelligent Train Security System and Auto Controlling
  32. Battery Operated Motorized Wheel Chair for Handicaps
  33. Submersible Pump Controlling with Power Failure Protection
  34. Android Controlled Military Spying and Bomb Disposal Robot
  35. PC Mouse operated Electrical Load Control Using VB Application
  36. Reducing Electric Bill for Industries and Commercial Establishments
  37. Voice Controlled Robotic Vehicle with Long Distance Speech Recognition
  38. Thermoelectric PELTIER Cooler with Temperature Controller Cooler System
  39. Submersible Pump Controlling using Cell phone With Power Failure Protection
  40. High Power LED-based Intelligent Streetlight Controlling System with Vehicle Counter
  41. Submersible Pump Controlling with Temperature Controlling with Power Failure Protection
  42. Programmable Switching Control for Industrial Automation in Repetitive Nature of Work (Pick & place)

By using the Microcontroller: 

  1. Microcontroller based on Data Logger
  2. Multiple Microcontrollers in LAN like Setup
  3. Microcontroller based on Heart Beat Counter
  4. Microcontroller based on Caller ID (AT89C2051)
  5. Mains Fail Detection with UPS Analogy using 8051 Microcontroller
  6. Microcontroller based on Electronics Baby Swing
  7. Microcontroller based on Green House Control
  8. Power Theft Detection using 8051 Microcontroller
  9. Microcontroller based on Line Following Robotic Vehicle
  10. Microcontroller based on Dam Control with LCD Display
  11. Ultrafast Acting Electronic Circuit Breaker Using PIC Microcontroller
  12. Microcontroller based Voice Operated Load Status with GSM
  13. Microcontroller based on Cordless Mouse Features by TV Rem