perform a transient response analysis of an RLC circuit using MATLAB

To perform a transient response analysis of an RLC circuit using MATLAB, follow these steps:

1. Define the RLC Circuit Parameters

Choose the resistance (R), inductance (L), capacitance (C), and input voltage (if applicable).

2. Formulate the Differential Equations

For a series RLC circuit with a step input, the state variables are the capacitor voltage vC and inductor current iL. The governing equations are:


3. Implement the Equations in MATLAB

Use ode45 to solve the system of differential equations.

Example Code:

% RLC Circuit Parameters
R = 1;      % Ohms
L = 0.1;    % Henries
C = 0.01;   % Farads
V_in = 10;  % Step voltage (V)
tspan = [0 0.5]; % Simulation time span (seconds)
initial_conditions = [0; 0]; % [Initial capacitor voltage; Initial inductor current]

% Solve the ODE
[t, y] = ode45(@(t,y) rlc_ode(t, y, R, L, C, V_in), tspan, initial_conditions);

% Plot Results
plot(t, y(:,1), 'b');
title('Transient Response of Series RLC Circuit');
ylabel('Capacitor Voltage (V)');
grid on;

plot(t, y(:,2), 'r');
ylabel('Inductor Current (A)');
xlabel('Time (s)');
grid on;

% ODE Function
function dydt = rlc_ode(t, y, R, L, C, V_in)
    v_C = y(1);
    i_L = y(2);
    dv_Cdt = i_L / C;
    di_Ldt = (V_in - R*i_L - v_C) / L;
    dydt = [dv_Cdt; di_Ldt];

4. Alternative Method: Transfer Function Approach

Use the Control System Toolbox to analyze the step response directly.

Example Code:

% Define Transfer Function
num = 1;
den = [L*C, R*C, 1]; % Coefficients of s^2, s, constant term
sys = tf(num, den);

% Plot Step Response
step(sys, tspan(end));
title('Step Response Using Transfer Function');
ylabel('Capacitor Voltage (V)');
grid on;

5. Key Considerations

  • Initial Conditions: Modify initial_conditions for non-zero states.
  • Input Type: Adjust V_in in the ODE function for time-varying inputs (e.g., pulse, sinusoidal).
  • Damping: The circuit’s damping (overdamped, underdamped) depends on RL, and C. Adjust these parameters to observe different responses.

6. Interpretation of Results

  • Underdamped: Oscillatory response with exponential decay.
  • Overdamped: Slow, non-oscillatory response.
  • Critically Damped: Fastest non-oscillatory response.

This approach allows you to analyze both the natural and forced responses of RLC circuits efficiently in MATLAB.