Path Planning and Trajectory Optimization: MATLAB Report
Path Planning and Trajectory Optimization: MATLAB Report
1. Abstract
Summarize the goals of the project (e.g., designing collision-free paths, optimizing trajectories for efficiency/smoothness), methods used (e.g., A*, RRT, optimal control), and key results (e.g., computation time, path quality).
2. Introduction
- Objective: Develop algorithms to plan paths and optimize trajectories for robots, drones, or autonomous vehicles.
- Challenges: Obstacle avoidance, dynamic constraints, real-time computation.
- Applications: Autonomous navigation, industrial robotics, UAVs.
- Tools: MATLAB’s Robotics System Toolbox, Optimization Toolbox, and custom algorithms.
3. Theoretical Background
3.1 Path Planning Algorithms
- Grid-Based Methods:
- A Algorithm*: Heuristic search for shortest path on grids.
- Dijkstra’s Algorithm: Guarantees shortest path without heuristics.
- Sampling-Based Methods:
- Rapidly Exploring Random Trees (RRT): Probabilistic exploration for high-dimensional spaces.
- Probabilistic Roadmaps (PRM): Precomputes collision-free paths.
- Artificial Potential Fields: Attraction to goal and repulsion from obstacles.
3.2 Trajectory Optimization
- Optimal Control: Minimize cost functions (time, energy, jerk).
- Convex Optimization: Quadratic programming (QP) for smooth trajectories.
- Spline Interpolation: Cubic/Bézier splines for continuous curvature.
- Model Predictive Control (MPC): Receding horizon optimization.
4. Methodology
4.1 Path Planning in MATLAB
Case 1: A Algorithm on a Grid Map*
% Create a binary occupancy grid (1 = obstacle, 0 = free) map = binaryOccupancyMap(10, 10, 1); setOccupancy(map, [3 3; 4 4; 5 5], 1); % Add obstacles % Define start and goal start = [1, 1]; goal = [10, 10]; % Create A* path planner planner = plannerAStarGrid(map); % Plan path path = plan(planner, start, goal); % Visualize show(planner);
Case 2: RRT for UAV Path Planning
% Define state space (2D position and velocity) ss = stateSpaceDubins([0 100; 0 100], 'TurningRadius', 1); % Create RRT planner planner = plannerRRT(ss, @distanceDubins, @steerDubins); % Plan path from [0,0] to [80,80] path = plan(planner, [0 0 0], [80 80 0]); % Smooth trajectory using splines smoothedPath = smooth(path, 'Spline');
4.2 Trajectory Optimization
Case 1: Minimum-Jerk Trajectory
% Define waypoints and time vector waypoints = [0 0; 2 3; 5 4; 10 0]; t = linspace(0, 10, size(waypoints,1)); % Fit quintic spline traj = cubicpolytraj(waypoints', t, linspace(0,10,100)); % Plot trajectory plot(traj(1,:), traj(2,:), 'LineWidth', 2);
Case 2: Convex Optimization with fmincon
% Minimize energy: ∫(u(t)^2) dt costFunc = @(u) sum(u.^2); % Constraints (e.g., dynamics x_dot = Ax + Bu) A = [0 1; 0 0]; B = [0; 1]; % Solve using fmincon options = optimoptions('fmincon', 'Algorithm', 'sqp'); u_opt = fmincon(costFunc, u0, [], [], [], [], lb, ub, @(u) dynamicsConstraint(u, A, B), options);
5. Results and Analysis
5.1 Path Planning
- A vs. RRT*: Compare path length, computation time, and success rate in cluttered environments.
- Figure: Grid map with A* path vs. RRT exploration tree.
5.2 Trajectory Optimization
- Smoothness: Compare jerk-minimized vs. linear trajectories.
- Energy Efficiency: Optimal control vs. heuristic paths.
- Figure: Time vs. position/velocity/acceleration plots.
5.3 Dynamic Environments
- MPC Performance: Ability to replan trajectories with moving obstacles.
6. Discussion
- Algorithm Trade-offs:
- A*: Optimal but computationally heavy for large grids.
- RRT: Fast for high-D spaces but suboptimal.
- Optimization Challenges: Non-convexity, real-time constraints.
- MATLAB Tools: Strengths (pre-built functions) vs. limitations (customization).
7. Conclusion
- Summarize the effectiveness of MATLAB for prototyping path planning and optimization.
- Highlight applications in robotics and autonomous systems.
- Suggest future work (e.g., machine learning integration, ROS compatibility).
8. Appendix
Include full scripts for:
- A* grid planning.
- RRT with Dubins curves.
- Trajectory optimization using
- LaValle, S. M. Planning Algorithms. Cambridge University Press, 2006.
- MATLAB Robotics System Toolbox Documentation.
- Boyd, S. Convex Optimization. Cambridge University Press, 200