Area-Time Efficient Scaling-Free CORDIC Using Generalized Micro-Rotation Selection
This paper presents an area-time efficient CORDIC algorithm that completely eliminates the scale-factor. By suitable selection of the order of approximation of Taylor series the proposed CORDIC circuit meets the accuracy requirement, and attains the desired range of convergence. Besides we have proposed an algorithm to redefine the elementary angles for reducing the number of CORDIC iterations.
A generalized micro-rotation selection technique based on high speed most-significant-1-detection obviates the complex search algorithms for identifying the micro-rotations. The proposed CORDIC processor provides the flexibility to manipulate the number of iterations depending on the accuracy, area and latency requirements. Compared to the existing recursive architectures the proposed one has 17% lower slice-delay product on Xilinx Spartan XC2S200E device.
11) FPGA Design of a Fast 32-bit Floating Point Multiplier Unit
An architecture for a fast 32-bit floating point multiplier compliant with the single precision IEEE 754-2008 standard has been proposed in this paper. This design intends to make the multiplier faster by reducing the delay caused by the propagation of the carry by implementing adders having the least power delay constant. The implementation of the multiplier module has been done in a top down approach. The sub-modules have been written in Verilog HDL and then synthesized and simulated using the Xilinx ISE 12.1 targeted on the Spartan 3E.
12) Design & Implementation of Floating point ALU
In this paper, the implementation of DSP modules such as a floating point ALU are presented and designed. The design is based on high performance FPGA “Cyclone TI” and implementation is done after functional and timing simulation. The simulation tool used is ModelSim. The tool for synthesis and implementation is Quartusn. The experimental results shows the functional and timing analysis for all the DSP modules carried out using high performance synthesis software from Altera.