Python based-An Approach to Maintain Attendance using Image Processing Techniques

Python based-An Approach to Maintain Attendance using Image Processing Techniques


These days, more and more research is being done on the development of novel strategies. Face recognition is one of the most popular applications of image processing. To take attendance, numerous cutting-edge devices have been developed. Biometric, thumbprints, access cards, and fingerprints are a few popular ones.

The approach suggested in this study uses face detection and face recognition to track attendance using images. Face detection, labeling the observed faces, training a classifier using the labeled dataset, and face recognition are the four phases that make up the suggested method.

Both positive and negative photographs were used to build the database. To identify the faces in a classroom, the entire database has been split into training and testing sets and then processed by a classifier. The last stage is to use face recognition to take the attendance.