To remove background noise from MRI images in MATLAB
To remove background noise from MRI images in MATLAB, follow these steps using thresholding, morphological operations, and connected component analysis:
Step-by-Step Solution:
- Read the MRI Image:
Load the image, convert to grayscale if necessary, and prepare it for processing. - Thresholding:
Use Otsu’s method to automatically determine the optimal threshold to separate foreground (anatomy) from background noise. - Morphological Cleaning:
Remove small noise artifacts and fill holes in the mask using morphological operations. - Largest Connected Component:
Identify the main anatomical structure by selecting the largest connected region in the mask. - Apply Mask:
Multiply the original image by the cleaned mask to set background pixels to zero.
% Read the MRI image (replace with your image) mri_image = imread('mri_image.jpg'); % Use dicomread for DICOM files % Convert to grayscale if RGB if size(mri_image, 3) == 3 mri_image = rgb2gray(mri_image); end % Convert to double for processing and normalize image_double = im2double(mri_image); % Step 1: Apply Gaussian smoothing to improve thresholding smoothed_image = imgaussfilt(image_double, 2); % Step 2: Calculate Otsu's threshold and create initial mask level = graythresh(smoothed_image); mask = imbinarize(smoothed_image, level); % Step 3: Clean the mask using morphological operations mask = imopen(mask, strel('disk', 5)); % Remove small noise mask = imfill(mask, 'holes'); % Fill holes % Step 4: Keep the largest connected component cc = bwconncomp(mask); [~, idx] = max(cellfun(@numel, cc.PixelIdxList)); mask = false(size(mask)); mask(cc.PixelIdxList{idx}) = true; % Step 5: Apply the mask to the original image denoised_image = mri_image .* cast(mask, class(mri_image)); % Display results figure; subplot(1,2,1), imshow(mri_image, []), title('Original Image'); subplot(1,2,2), imshow(denoised_image, []), title('Background Removed');
- Thresholding: Otsu’s method (
) separates foreground and background by maximizing inter-class variance. - Morphological Operations:
removes small noise, andimfill
fills gaps in the mask. - Largest Component: Ensures only the main anatomical structure is retained.
- Mask Application: Sets background pixels to zero, effectively removing noise.
- DICOM Images: Replace
for DICOM files. - Parameter Tuning: Adjust the disk size in
based on noise level. - Advanced Cases: For non-uniform backgrounds or intensity bias, consider advanced methods like active contours or bias correction.
This approach effectively isolates the anatomical structure and eliminates background noise.