FPGA Implementation of Sine and Cosine Value Generators using Cordic Algorithm for Satellite Attitude Determination and Calculators

Now-a-days various Digital Signal Processing systems are implemented on a platform of programmable signal processors or on application specific VLSI chips. Coordinate Rotation DIgital Computer (CORDIC) algorithm has turned out to be such kind of programmable signal processor. In recent times, it has been a widely researched topic in the field of vector rotated Digital Signal Processing (DSP) applications due to its simplicity.

This paper presents the design of pipelined architecture for coordinate rotation algorithm for the computation of loop performance of complex Digital Phase Locked Loop (DPLL) in In-phase and quadrature channel receiver. The design of CORDIC in the vector rotation mode results in high system throughput due to its pipelined architecture where latency is reduced in each of the pipelined stage. For on-chip application, the area reduction in proposed design can is achieved through optimization in the number of micro rotations. For better loop performance of first order complex DPLL and to minimize quantization error, the numbers of iterations are also optimized.


21.Design and Implementation of CORDIC Processor for Complex DPLL

This paper presents an area-time efficient CORDIC algorithm that completely eliminates the scale-factor. By suitable selection of the order of approximation of Taylor series the proposed CORDIC circuit meets the accuracy requirement, and attains the desired range of convergence. Besides we have proposed an algorithm to redefine the elementary angles for reducing the number of CORDIC iterations.

A generalized micro-rotation selection technique based on high speed most-significant-1-detection obviates the complex search algorithms for identifying the micro-rotations. The proposed CORDIC processor provides the flexibility to manipulate the number of iterations depending on the accuracy, area and latency requirements. Compared to the existing recursive architectures the proposed one has 17% lower slice-delay product on Xilinx Spartan XC2S200E device.


22.Design and control of Segway

The purpose of the project was to design and build a 1/5th scale Segway cart. The cart was modeled after a two wheeled transportation device that uses sophisticated electronics to balance. The cart was designed to follow a line as fast as possible while still keeping a load balanced atop. The cart was limited to several maximums; a height of 6 inches, a mass of 1-kg, wheel diameters between 0.5 and 6 inches, and removable handlebars from 7-9 inches.

The cart also had to support a cylindrical mass with specifications of, a mass up to 2-kg, and a diameter of up to 6-inch. The cart was designed to rock on its wheels over a range of 60 degrees forwards and backwards as well as to follow a black electrical tapeline on a light colored floor. The cart was expected to be self-contained including the power source. With the above design constraints, the cart was then designed to be lightweight, structurally strong enough, inexpensive, and to follow the specified path. The cart was constructed of hollow aluminum tubing,

which made up the frame. The tubing was soldered together. The cart used a spinning hanging mass attached to a potentiometer to sense the angle of tilt. By measuring the change in voltage in the potentiometer as the cart tilted, the balancing of the cart was regulated. Photo sensors were implemented for detecting the black electrical tape and to start the cart in motion

23.Electronic Toll Collection (ETC)

The Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) is designed to determine if a car is registered in a toll payment program,alert enforcers of toll payment violations, and debit the participating account. With ETC, these transactions can be performed while vehicles travel at near highway cruising speed. ETC is fast becoming a globally accepted method of toll collection, a trend greatly aided by the growth of interoperable ETC technologies. Technologies used in ETC are Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI), Automatic Vehicle Classification (AVC), Video Enforcement Systems (VES) and Vehicle Positioning System (VPS).ETC systems are deployed in the following cities in India: Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, and Chennai.

24.Eye ball Sensor for automatic Wheel Chair for paralyzed patients

This intelligent chair is designed to help the paralysed person who moves on a wheel chair, instead of the handicapped person moves the wheel chair by his hand, the chair will automatically move to a particular direction as the patient moves his eyes towards a direction, with the help of Eye ball movement detection sensor. The chair will also sense the obstacles in front of it and gives a beep sound.