Part I: Answer the following questions A. The rates of false positives and false negatives can be modified, often in a complementary manner: decreasing one typically increases the other. Identify two circumstances where the implications of false negatives hold considerably more gravity than false positives?

ICT5350 Securing IT Systems
Workshop 02
Note: Write your answers in the spaces, and submit your work to the canvas

Part I: Answer the following questions
A. The rates of false positives and false negatives can be modified, often in a complementary manner: decreasing one typically increases the other. Identify two circumstances where the implications of false negatives hold considerably more gravity than false positives?
B. Describe a scenario where a simple and less robust password might suffice?
C. Describe the following password arracks
a. Rainbow tables
b. Dictionary attacks
c. Brute force attack
D. How could each attack be mitigated?
E. Explain the role of SAML in identity federation and describe how it compares to OpenID in this regard?