Task1:  Netcat Turn on Kali VM and Metasploitable VM. Log into Kali VM and start a terminal. Log into Metasploitable as (msfadmin as user name and password) Administrator. Then, complete the following tasks. Respond to the questions in the boxes below.

Task1:  Netcat


Turn on Kali VM and Metasploitable VM. Log into Kali VM and start a terminal. Log into Metasploitable as (msfadmin as user name and password) Administrator. Then, complete the following tasks. Respond to the questions in the boxes below.

  • Use Netcat to perform a banner grabbing on the Telnet service on the Metasploitable




  1. Based on the output, what is the Telnet server software used in this Metasploitable VM?






  1. What is this software’s version number?





  • Use netcat to perform a banner grabbing on the Web service service on the Metasploitable VM.






  1. What is this software’s version number?





  1. Grab a screenshot to support your answer.











  • In the Metasploitable VM, there are files in \vulnerable\tikiwiki\*. Use netcat to transfer this any Tikiwiki zipped folder  to Kali VM and store it in ‘/root/Downloads’. In doing so, you should run netcat in server mode on Kali VM.
  1. What are the command lines run in Kali VM?





  1. What are the command lines run in Metasploitable VM?





  1. Include a screenshot on your success. This screenshot should include the results of executing the command ‘ls -l’ on the ‘/root/Downloads’ folder.



  • In the Metasploitable VM, there is another file \vulnerable\tikiwiki\*. Use netcat to transfer any zipped folder to Kali VM and store it in ‘/root/Documents’. This time, you should run netcat in server mode on Metasploitable VM.
  1. What are the command lines run in Kali VM?





  1. What are the command lines run in Metasploitable VM?







  1. Add a screenshot that include the results of executing the command ‘ls -l’ on the ‘/root/Documents’ folder.