Task1: Netcat Turn on Kali VM and Metasploitable VM. Log into Kali VM and start a terminal. Log into Metasploitable as (msfadmin as user name and password) Administrator. Then, complete the following tasks. Respond to the questions in the boxes below.
Task1: Netcat
Turn on Kali VM and Metasploitable VM. Log into Kali VM and start a terminal. Log into Metasploitable as (msfadmin as user name and password) Administrator. Then, complete the following tasks. Respond to the questions in the boxes below.
- Use Netcat to perform a banner grabbing on the Telnet service on the Metasploitable
- Based on the output, what is the Telnet server software used in this Metasploitable VM?
- What is this software’s version number?
- Use netcat to perform a banner grabbing on the Web service service on the Metasploitable VM.
- What is this software’s version number?
- Grab a screenshot to support your answer.
- In the Metasploitable VM, there are files in \vulnerable\tikiwiki\*. Use netcat to transfer this any Tikiwiki zipped folder to Kali VM and store it in ‘/root/Downloads’. In doing so, you should run netcat in server mode on Kali VM.
- What are the command lines run in Kali VM?
- What are the command lines run in Metasploitable VM?
- Include a screenshot on your success. This screenshot should include the results of executing the command ‘ls -l’ on the ‘/root/Downloads’ folder.
- In the Metasploitable VM, there is another file \vulnerable\tikiwiki\*. Use netcat to transfer any zipped folder to Kali VM and store it in ‘/root/Documents’. This time, you should run netcat in server mode on Metasploitable VM.
- What are the command lines run in Kali VM?
- What are the command lines run in Metasploitable VM?
- Add a screenshot that include the results of executing the command ‘ls -l’ on the ‘/root/Documents’ folder.