Week 6 Chapter 7 Discussion Question Listed below are some common encryption algorithms:
Common encryption algorithms and methods: Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman (RSA) encryption algorithm Triple DES Diffie-Hellman key exchange El Gamal encryption algorithm Carlisle Adams and Stafford Taveres (CAST) algorithm Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) Blowfish Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Select any three (3) encryption algorithms and develop a well-researched, well-developed paper that would provide a non-technical reader a better understanding not only of the concepts behind encryption but, also of the inner workings (i.e., how does the particular algorithm work) of the encryption algorithms which you have selected. For each algorithm you select, please provide a scenario representing a real-world business situation, which would be most suited for the application of the particular encryption algorithms you have selected. Please be sure to provide your response via the proper thread under the discussion question link for this chapter. Please do not submit your reply via email, use only the thread provided by Canvas to submit your responses.